Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Where is the Beach?

Everyone assumes that because Trinidad is a tropical Caribbean island that there must be a beach nearby. And there is... assuming you don't mind a drive through the mountains to get there. By far the most popular beach on the island is Maracas Beach and here are a few pictures to give you a feel for that.

Maracas Beach is located on the north side of the island about 10 miles from the city... which by Houston standards might as well be next door. The drive, however, can be harrowing as the roads are narrow, windy, routinely wet and the Trinis aren't famous for being slow cautious drivers. I'll write more about driving in Trinidad another day.
The beach itself is in a roughly circular bay with tree covered hills/mountains coming down to the water on either side.

The net result is a very pretty setting for a beach with virtually no buildings nearby except for a few change houses and the famous Shark'n'Bake sandwich shops.