Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Apartment - Entry Hall, Living and Dining

After a non trivial amount of time I am finally in the apartment. And here are a few pictures of the place. We begin in the entry hall.
The prevailing decorating theme of the apartment is earth tones and silk plants. And here you see the first of many plants and a nice enough picture of a native girl. I'm not sure what country she is a native of but it is clearly not Trinidad.

The hall may look a bit odd to you because it cuts at an angle toward the main living and dining area at the far end. Toward the left is the master bedroom suite while to the right are my other two bedrooms. I have three bedrooms and as long as we're counting, I also have four televisions. I might never miss another episode of Star Trek again except for one thing. I have four televisions but no cable TV.

Arriving at the end of the entry hall, we turn left to see this view of my dining area. More decorative plants, the first of many decorative plants or as Georgia might refer to them "useless dust catchers." A large dining table and eight chairs so that I don't have to sit in the same chair all week long.

Turning to the right we see the main living area.
And, of course, yet another large silk plant, three sofas, fourteen pillows, a large coffee table and the entertainment center with one of my myriad televisions and a couple more decorative plates. The lady sitting on the sofa is Natalie, the realtor. If you've been counting there are three huge windows behind those curtains and two of them are actually glass doors leading out to my balcony.
Turning around, we get to see the relationship between the living area... you can see one of the three sofas... the Love Seat... and the dining area behind that. That is the main door to the balcony. I'll show you the view from the balcony another time.
