Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Office

I know everyone is tired of hearing about my apartment, and given that I spend most of my time here in the office, I thought I would focus on the office for the next few posts.

This picture was taken from an airplane... we have mountains here but they are on the opposite side... and was the first photo I saw of the office here in Trinidad. The yellow building in the left foreground is the Marriott where I spent the first several weeks of my time here. The office is the shiny glass structure in the middle and the rather garish colored building on the right is Movie Towne. You can also see the two stadiums on the other side of the transnational highway.

And here is the office as viewed from the Marriott.

You go up to the first floor which, by some strange logic is actually what Americans would refer to as the fifth floor, and ultimately you get to my cubicle.
Which is actually about the same as my immediate boss's office. This is Binh Meador in her cubicle which is right next to mine. Binh is a friend from Houston.

Her office looks, remarkably, like everyone else's office. Unless, of course, you are a corporate official, in which case your office has walls and a door. Clients, sometimes, also get actual offices though several of them have cubicles that look just like Binh's and mine. The head you can barely see over the cubicle wall just past Binh is one of the clients.

Obviously the office is ultra-plush.