Thursday, July 05, 2012

Happy Birthday, America

Georgia left Trinidad on the 4th of July but that didn't stop her from getting to enjoy the Independence Day celebration sponsored by the American Embassy here. For reasons that are not real obvious, that party was held on June 30th. The venue was a huge, very nice home called the Marine House in the St. Clair district which is undoubtedly the richest neighborhood in Port of Spain. Apparently, the US stations marines at all their embassies to act as guards. It is such a hardship duty, the marines need a mansion to live in and because it is in the wealthier part of town, they hire local security guards to protect the marines.

Although not attended by the entire expat community of Port of Spain, quite a few show up to enjoy the festivities and the subtle decorations. The pool toys belong to the large number of children who attended and not to the marines. I think...
This is Georgia and Cole Meador (Binh's son) enjoying their Haagen Dazs ice cream. The variety of American foods present in Trinidad is curious. By far the most common ice cream stores present are Haagen Dazs stores while the most common restaurants are KFC.
And of course what is the 4th of July when celebrated on June 30th without fireworks?

Apparently the Trinis were also celebrating their Independence that day so they shot off fireworks at the Savannah that evening. And also on the actual 4th of July. And my apartment is well placed to enjoy them.