Thursday, July 05, 2012

Fine Dining in Trinidad - Flair

Back to the restaurant beat here with one of the restaurants that Georgia and I went to while she was in Trinidad. I've commented before that Port of Spain seems to have an exceptionally high count of fine restaurants relative to the size the city is... Georgia saw an official census that had the city under 100,000... and Flair was one of the close ones that appealed to me.

I know you guys all think that I'm not actually in Trinidad given that I never appear in any of the pictures, so I handed Georgia the camera to get at least one picture in the blog.

As you can see, the interior of Flair is marked with simple modern decor while the exterior has got simple, modern bright green Christmas lights. I'll show you another picture of the exterior later.
Since we've turned into foodies... straight to the food. Georgia had a beet and goat cheese salad as a starter. The beets were sliced very thin and Georgia proclaimed it delicious.
While I started with the shark hush puppies. Three of my order of six are left here and they are about the size of tennis balls. Clearly it was too much for one person and the plan had been to take them back to the apartment. But as they say about the best laid plans of mice and men...
Georgia's main dish is a spiced barbeque chicken dish with a side of a tropical slaw. The chicken dish was very good but the slaw was disappointing. Still on the whole she had a perfectly satisfactory meal.
I, on the other hand, had Jerk spiced swordfish filets with a rum and banana chutney on the side. My original plan had been to take some of that back to the apartment but... well... by the time I had slowed down the board was clean. Hmmm. Georgia's dishes all arrived on plates while mine came on cutting boards. I wonder if there is a message there.
Another shot of the interior, this time showing the master chef and a couple of his staff.
And finally a shot of Georgia standing outside the restaurant and you can see a better view of the lights.

Everything taken into account, including the fact that it is located about two blocks from my apartment and was a completely satisfactory meal, I will definitely be returning to Flair in the near future.